Liz Lomax lecture at Society of Illustrators


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Liz Lomax lecture at Society of Illustrators

Posted: April 29, 2008 
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A recap by Krista Fuentes:

After an introduction by Dennis Dittrich, Liz spoke about her beginnings as a child artist, building well-appointed homes for her dolls and for her local caterpillars, and her early inspiration, which included the British series The Amazing Adventures of Morph by Aardman Animations (of Wallace and Gromit fame).

Liz went on to talk about her path through art school, showed a few slides of her early 3D pieces, and spoke of her adult influences, including Niki de Saint Phalle and Red Grooms.

Also, I don’t know if Liz is Ronco’s new spokesperson, but she did go on to endorse the set it and forget it rotisserie oven for use as a sculpey cooker. C’mon, it would be a serious improvement…

She also showed us slides of herself with Roger Daltrey and Ringo Starr, both of whom own original pieces of hers.

When she’s not busy hugging millionaire rock stars, Liz is in her studio working… constantly. She sculpts, builds environments, photographs, and digitally enhances her pieces under sometimes impossible deadlines. The woman clearly loves her work.

She’s also found herself a niche business creating mini couples for wedding cakes, adding “cake toppers… they are stressful.”

Here’s a pic of Liz with her father, Stan Lomax, who was up from the Carolinas for the talk. This guy teaches corporate ethics to college students. How great is that?


If you’d like to see the talk online, the Society of Illustrators will be posting it in its entirety on their website.



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