a BIG thank you and a little ‘in-progress’

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a BIG thank you and a little ‘in-progress’

Posted: February 27, 2009 
Filed under: Personal
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Forgive me friends, it’s been over 2 weeks since my last post! First I want to thank everyone for watching the Noel Gallagher video we made and for all your wonderful emails and comments. It’s been seen nearly 10,000 times! Many people helped spread it around, from my sister’s facebook status to the likes of Margot Miller, Netdiver, Drawn!, live4ever, Make, Parsons, CA, and so many other friends and family! We will attempt another time-lapse ‘making of’ as soon as we can. For now I thought I’d show you a piece in-progress and what the desk looks like. More soon…



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