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Posted: April 29, 2009 
Filed under: Current Projects, See my work!, Work-In-Progress
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Fresh off the press and on newsstands right now is the historical 500th edition of MAD magazine! It’s packed with hilarious stuff from so many legendary writers and artists. I am honored to be a part of it!

My assignment was to sculpt Octo-Mom (aka Nadya Suleman) and I wondered if I’d make it through the job without being sick. I thought I’d finally have some use for these little plastic babies I’ve had lying around for years but they weren’t needed in the end. Instead, I sculpted little hands and feet out of Super Sculpey, then baked them and pressed them into the giant belly made from a ball of tinfoil covered with Sculpey. I layered thin sheets of Sculpey over the hands and feet to give the ‘about to burst’ look. I baked her and painted her with oils.

Thank you to the beautiful minds at MAD for another sick assignment!



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