return to Horace Greeley High School

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return to Horace Greeley High School

Posted: May 29, 2009 
Filed under: Teaching + Lectures
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Today I went back in time… to my old high school in my old town. Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, NY.

It was a treat to be invited by my art teacher Ms. Crosby to speak to her students. Deb Crosby, what an absolute legend! She gave me so much of what I needed in high school to move forward with an art career. She is the one that told me about summer drawing classes at Parsons School of Design and is single-handedly responsible for my ending up there!

I got to lecture to two classes, back to back, which did a number on my throat but it was so great! She had so many wonderful students that were really listening. I hope they could all take something away from the stories I told. I wouldn’t trade places with them for anything… but being back in that old art room where I spent SO many wonderful hours made me think twice!

I was so busy I forgot to take photos, so I dug up two old pics. From left to right: Dilly & me on graduation day. Deb Crosby- my amazing art teacher, and the lovely Mr. Tucci who was my jewelry teacher. I remember him talking so proudly about his son who had just broke into the acting world. We all know him now as the talented Stanley Tucci!

Thank you Greeley and thank you to Deb for having me in your class. Enormous thanks to you for giving so much of yourself to your students and especially for what you gave to me. Your encouragement, enthusiasm and belief in my work.



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