making Cowbella, day 28

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making Cowbella, day 28

Posted: June 21, 2009 
Filed under: Current Projects, Other Artists, Work-In-Progress
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Day 28 was so exciting! It started with a visit from Jun Liu who posed for a photo with Cowbella…          more gems were added to the shapes on Cowbella…     I got to sneak a peak at an enormous painting that Wei Kang had done whilst he was in NY…

Peiliang Jin, the lovely and amazingly talented landscape artist working next to me, pulled off layers of tape from his cow (I snapped this as he pulled off the last 2″) revealing perfect lines of colour…

and Chick Lam of “Flowers on Stage” fame (which has the most gorgeous flowers and plants and is like an oasis in the mall) was excited about his special delivery from Hawaii- Hawaiian Volcano Plants!



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