Making Martha Stewart!


3 Responses to “Making Martha Stewart!”
  1. steph says:

    YOU ROCK, LIZ! Hope all is well! What a talent you have! xoxo
    Steph Zaccario (Bhagwat)

  2. Liz, The making of Martha Stewart is a wonderful series and your explanation beneath each photo is easy to understand and and complete in it’s brevity. Your so talented assistants helping you are lucky to have such a generous “guide”. I can tell you all had a lot of fun working on this – You deserve every moment in the sun! I;m so happy for you. Love to speak with you soon – I have exciting news to share with you. Please email me your info.


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  1. […] was the superstar sweetheart Paula Deen! Paula’s head needed to be quite a bit larger than Martha Stewart, the first head I had sculpted, so I was excited and terrified at the same time. This meant […]

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Making Martha Stewart!

Posted: December 21, 2010 
Filed under: Current Projects, Info, See my work!
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When Barneys commissioned me to make giant chef heads for their “Have a Foodie Holiday” window displays, the first chef I made was the fabulous Martha Stewart! Scary hurdle #1: sculpting at ‘life size’, a scale that I’d never attempted before. Scary hurdle #2: making sure that Martha’s head was light enough to safely sit on top of a foam mannequin without toppling it! I called some of my amazing sculptor friends who calmed me down and convinced me I could do it. Then I gathered lots of photo reference and tons of random supplies that I’d never used before and got to work sculpting Martha Stewart. About a week and several more scary hurdles later, I carried the finished Martha in to the Barneys studio where Simon Doonan, Barneys brilliant Creative Director, said she was gorgeous and decided that I should make the remaining 10 heads much larger! Check out these behind-the-scenes pics revealing the ‘making of Martha’ and watch the video!



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