Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Posted: February 3, 2013 
Filed under: Current Projects
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OMG! has it reeeeally been 3 years, 1 month + 1 day since my last update?! I guess I got a little sidetracked with living lots of life, sandwiched between jobs that kept me too busy to post about them. One of the highlights was sculpting a Breaking Bad scene for Entertainment Weekly! It was an honor to work with Kory Kennedy again and I was so psyched to finally have EW as a client! Of course being a weekly magazine there wasn’t much time to make this piece so the pressure was ON, “bitch”! After the sketch phase I was left with 5 days to sculpt and paint and 1 day to shoot… really intense and so much fun! Thank you, Kory, for the job and perfect direction and thanks to all the people who supported me along the way! Here are some pics of the process. xo


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